The Power of Praise and Worship
By Terry Law
For a donation of $25 or more to Storm Chaser Foundation, we will mail you a paperback copy of The Power of Praise and Worship, 2nd edition. 100% of these donations directly benefit SCF mission initiatives.
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By Terry Law
The Power of Praise and Worship
With Jim Gilbert
Terry’s wife Jan, mother to his three children, died in a tragic automobile accident. What would he do now? How could he possibly go forward? The Power of Praise & Worship shares the journey of a broken man who learns to bless the Lord at all times, and once again see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
For a donation of $25 or more to Stormchaser Foundation, we will mail you a paperback copy of The Power of Praise and Worship, 2nd edition. 100% of these donations directly benefit SCF missions.
The Power of Praise and Worship E-book is also available for a donation of $25 or more to Storm Chaser Foundation. Click the donate button below and we’ll email you a copy.
The Power of Praise and Worship
It was the Devil who answered me. “Terry Law you are a hypocrite. How can you praise God after He killed your wife?” The Devil was sowing lies in my mind. “You don’t really mean those words,” he said. “You’re lying!” I said out loud, “Lord, I will bless you at all times. Lord, I will bless you at all times.”
No man can program himself for worship. It is an act of the will to thank God, it is an act of the will to praise God. It is an act of God’s will to invite us into His presence in the act of worship and it is only when our relationship with God is consummated in worship that we truly feel that we are where He is, and He is where we are.
It is so easy to settle back in the pew and enjoy the efforts of others. But God has commanded from us the sacrifice of praise. That means it’s going to cost us something. We are faced with a fundamental issue. Will we fall for the “the worship experience,” or will we enter into the sacrifice of praise?
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Other Terry Law Books benefiting Stormchaser Foundation
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The Hope Habit
Hope is much more than wishful thinking. True bible-based hope is this: a confident expectation in the goodness of God. This book explores the many Biblical references to hope throughout scripture. It will surely bless and challenge every reader.
The Fight of Every Believer
What is the one battle that every Christian faces? It is the battle of thoughts. Daily, the enemy works through news networks, social media platforms, and even fellow believers to flood our minds with thoughts that are contrary to God’s word.
The Truth About Angels
Angels are servants of the Lord sent to earth to minister to God’s people. Everyone has a guardian angel(s) who has watched over us our entire lives. These angel stories will leave you awe-inspired by the goodness of God.